1. Here Comes the Sun: An Update on Vitamin D and the Health and Performance of Athletes
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :
2. The Maidens complain[t] against coffee, or, The coffee-house discovered beseiged, stormed, taken, untyled and lai[d] open to publick view ... written by Merc. Democ. at his chamber in the world in the moon for the ben[efit] of all the mad-merry-conceited people under the sun.
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :
3. Nine sermons vpon sun[drie] texts of scripture first, The allegeance of the cleargie, The supper of the Lord, secondly, The Cape of Good Hope deliuered in fiue sermons, for the vse and b[ene]fite of marchants and marriners, thirdly, The remedie of d[r]ought, A thankes-giuing for raine / by Samuel Page ...
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