1. [Bookplate [?] with illustration of two men in the woods with axes each holding a ray of the sun above the words "Berchtoldvs R"]
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2. Nine sermons vpon sun[drie] texts of scripture first, The allegeance of the cleargie, The supper of the Lord, secondly, The Cape of Good Hope deliuered in fiue sermons, for the vse and b[ene]fite of marchants and marriners, thirdly, The remedie of d[r]ought, A thankes-giuing for raine / by Samuel Page ...
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3. Nuncius uranius, or, The starry messenger for the year of our redemption 1685, and from the creation, according to sacred writ 5634 being the first after bissextile, or leap-year : therein is contained (1) astrological and meteorological observations (2) astrological predictions of the state of year ... (3) the rising and setting of the sun and moon, also her southing, together with many useful r
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