1. The life, confession, and heartie repentance of Francis Cartwright, Gentleman for his bloudie sinne in killing of one Master Storr, Master of Arts, and minister of Market Rason in Lincolnshire. Written with his owne hand.
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2. The manner of the cruell outragious murther of William Storre Mast. of Art, minister, and preacher at Market Raisin in the county of Lincolne committed by Francis Cartwright one of his parishioners, the 30. day of August anno. 1602.
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3. Three bloodie murders the first, committed by Francis Cartwright vpon William Storre, Mr. of Art, minister and preacher at Market Raisin in the countie of Lincolne. The second, committed by Elizabeth Iames, on the body of her mayde, in the parish of Egham in Surrie: who was condemned for the same fact at Saint Margarets hill in Southwark, the 2. of
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