1. Covent Garde[n] droler[y,] or, A colect[ion] of all the choice [songs, poems,] prologues and epilogues, [(sung and] spoken at courts and theaters.) Written by the refined'st witts of [the age.] And collected by A.B.
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2. The schoole of musicke wherein is taught, the perfect method, of true fingering of the lute, pandora, orpharion, and viol de gamba; with most infallible generall rules, both easie and delightfull. Also, a method, how you may be your owne instructer for prick-song, by the help of your lute, without any other teacher: with lessons of all sorts, for y
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3. The whole booke of Psalmes collected into English meeter by T. Sternehold, I. Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Hebrue, with apte notes to sing them withall ; set forth and alowed to be song in all churches, of all y[e] people together, before and after morning & euening praier ; as also before & after sermons and moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace & comfort, lay
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