1. Wit's cabinet a companion for gentlemen and ladies. In which is contain'd, I. The interpretation of dreams, according to Artimedorus, and other approved authors. ... X. The art of drinking: or, The school of Bacchus. ... To which is added, a choice collection of the best songs.
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2. A briefe introduction to the skill of song concerning the practise, set forth by William Bathe gentleman. In which work is set downe X. sundry wayes of 2. parts in one vpon the plaine song. Also a table newly added of the companions of cleues, how one followeth another for the naming of notes: with other necessarie examples, to further the learner.
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3. The whole booke of Psalmes, in prose and meeter: truelie conferred with the Hebrew text. Heereunto is adjoyned an exact Kalendar, with the forme of baptisme, the Lords Supper, and marriage: and also morning and euening prayer: and many other godly prayers. Item after the Psalmes follow the X. Commaundementes, the beliefe, the Lordes prayer, the song of Moses, &c. in meeter..|Bible. O.T. Psalms. E
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