1. An answer in defence of A messe pf pottage well seasoned and crumb'd against M. T. S. T. R. A. I. S. P. H., anagram Strap Smith by the same Gyles Calfine.
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :
2. Perfect directions for all English gold, now currant in this kingdome As well for the payer, as receiuer, whereby either of them by perusall of breuiats or tables in this booke, may be assured of the true value as the gold-smith or mint will giue for the same. And what abatements are to be allowed according to the want of graines in each seuerall p
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :
3. An answer, in defence of a messe of pottage, well seasoned and crumb'd. Against M. T. S. T. R. A. I. S. P. H. anagram, Strap Smith. Who falsly sayes, the Common Prayers are unlawfull, and no better than the Popes porrage. In which tract is answered his unanswerable reasons: by the same Gyles Calfine.
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