1. An ansvver to two treatises of Mr. Iohn Can, the leader of the English Brownists in Amsterdam. The former called, A necessitie of separation from the Church of England, proved by the Nonconformists principles. The other, A stay against straying: wherein in opposition to M. Iohn Robinson, he undertakes to prove the unlawfulnesse of hearing the minis
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2. A moral methode of ciuile policie contayninge a learned and fruictful discourse of the institution, state and gouernment of a common weale. Abridged oute of the co[m]mentaries of the reuerende and famous clerke, Franciscus Patricius, Byshop of Caieta in Italye. Done out of Latine into Englishe, by Rycharde Robinson, citizen of London. Seene and all
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3. An answer to two treatises of Mr. Iohn Can, the leader of the English Brownists in Amsterdam the former called, A necessitie of separation from the Church of England, proved by the Nonconformists principles : the other, A stay against straying : wherein in opposition to M. Iohn Robinson, he undertakes to prove the unlawfulnesse of hearing the ministers of the Church of England ... / by the late le
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