1. By the Kyng and the Quene, where as Henrye Dudley, Christofer Aston the elder, Christofer Aston the younger, Frauncys Horsey, Edwarde Horsey, Roberte Cornewell, alias Cornewall, Richarde Tremayne, Nycholas Tremayne Richard Ryth, Roger Reinoldes, John Dale, John Calton ...|Where as Henrye Dudley, Christofer Aston the elder, Christofer Aston the younger|By the King and Queen, whereas Henry Dudley, C
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2. Sponsa nondum uxor, or, The marriage between the Lady Katharine Fitz-Gerald and Edward Villiers, Esq. asserted by Robert Thompson ... ; being an answer to a treatise, intituled, Digamias adikia, &c. ; published under the name of Dudley Loftus Dr. of Laws, and judge of the Prerogative Court in Ireland.
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3. Englands defence, a treatise concerning invasion, or, A brief discourse of what orders were best for repulsing of foreign forces if at any time they should invade us by sea in Kent, or elsewhere exhibited in writing to the Right Honourable Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, a little before the Spanish Invasion, in the year 1588 / by Thomas Diggs ...
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