1. Three tracts against popery. Written in the year MDCLXXXVI. By William Wake, M.A. student of Christ Church, Oxon; chaplain to the right honourable the Lord Preston, and preacher at S. Ann's Church, Westminster
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2. Plenitudo fontis, or, Christ's fulnesse and man's emptinesse a sermon / preached by Iohn Preston ...
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3. A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, the 25. of Nouember. 1621 Vpon occasion of that false and scandalous report (lately printed) touching the supposed apostasie of the right Reuerend Father in God, Iohn King, late Lord Bishop of London. By Henry King, his eldest sonne. Whereunto is annexed the examination, and answere of Thomas Preston, p. taken before my Lords Grace of Canterbury, touching this s
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