1. Annus mirabilis, or, Strange and wonderful predictions and observations gathered out of Mr. J. Partridges Almanack 1688 with some remarks also out of his Almanack 1687 ...
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2. Remarkable predictions of the great prophet Michael Nostradamus concerning the ruin and downfall of the French, the Pope of Rome, b[y] [the] highness the Prince of Orange, collected from the said authors originals works, large folio, by J. Partridg, astronom[or] [to] the Prince.
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3. A double ephemeris for the year of our Lord 1700, or, The heliocentrick and geocentrick motions of the planets from Astronomia Carolina for the meridian of the city of London exactly calculated : also readily shewing the true times of high-water at London-Bridge, the equation of time for the regulating of clocks and watches ... : with the late Duke of Monmouth's nativity and J. Partridge's errone
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