1. A medicine for malignancy, or, Parliament pill, serving to purge out the malignant humours of men dis-affected to the republick wherein by way of dialogue or discourse between a Royalist & a Loyalist the common pleas of the Kingdom are out-pleaded : all out vulgar scruples and anti-parliamentary allegations mos by W. L. an unworthy servant, but hearty well-willer to them all ; with an index .
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2. The pensive maid: or, the virgins lamentation for the l[oss of] her lover. For seven years space she pati[ently did b]ear the absence of her love as [you will h]ear: at length sad tydings came ... slain, and that they never mo[re] ... again. Tune of Through the cool shad[y woods: or, De]ep in love, &c.
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