1. De heteroclitis no[min]ibus editio Roberti Whittintoni ... ; de heteroclitis nominibus & g[r]adibus comparationis ...
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2. Allestree 1633 a new almanacke, and prognostication, for the yeare of our Lord God 1633 and from the Creation 5595, being the first after leape yeere : calculated and properly referred to the longitude and sublimity of the pole Articke of 51 deg. 32 min. and may generally serue for the whole ile of Great Britaine : mutor pro temporum ratione / by R
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3. Butler. 1630 A new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God, 1630. being the second after the leape yeare. Calculated for the meridian of the ancient sheire towne of Leicester where the pole articke is eleuated aboue the horizon 52. deg. 38. min. being neere the middle of the famous Iland. Composed and written according the the r
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