1. The life of the Reuerend Fa. Angel of Ioyeuse Capucin preacher Sometimes duke, peere, and marshall of France, and gouernour for the Kinge in Languedoc. Together with the liues of the Reuerend Fathers, Father Bennet Englishman, and Father Archangell Scotchman, of the same ordere. Written first in the Frenche tongue, and now translated into English b
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2. Scripture vindicated from the mis-apprehensions, mis-interpretations, and mis-applications of Mr Stephen Marshall, [in] his sermon preached before the Commons House of Parliament, Feb. 23. 1641. and published by order of that House. : Also a militarie sermon, wherein [b]y the VVord of God, the nature and disposition of a rebell is discovered, and the kings true souldier described and characterize
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3. Scripture vindicated from the mis-apprehensions, mis-interpretations, and mis-applications of Mr Stephen Marshall, [in] his sermon preached before the Commons House of Parliament, Feb. 23. 1641. and published by order of that House. : Also a militarie sermon, wherein [b]y the VVord of God, the nature and disposition of a rebell is discovered, and the kings true souldier described and characterize
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