1. Gnoston tou Theou, k[a]i gnoston tou Christou, or, That which may be knovvn of God by the book of nature; and the excellent knowledge of Jesus Christ by the Book of Scripture. Delivered at St Mary's in Oxford, by Edward Wood M.A. late proctor of the University and fellow of Merton Coll. Oxon. Published since his death by his brother A.W. M.A.
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2. Gnoston tou Theou, k[a]i gnoston tou Christou, or, That which may be knovvn of God by the book of nature and the excellent knowledge of Jesus Christ by the Book of Scripture. Delivered at St Mary's in Oxford, by Edw. à Wood, M.A. late proctor of the University, and fellow of Merton Coll. Oxon. To which is added the authors last sermon preach'd 20.
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