1. A sermon preached at the assises held at York, July the 23d. 1683. Not long after the discovery of the late horrid conspiracy against his Majesties person and government. / By Henry Constantine, M.A.
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2. A discourse concerning trouble of mind, and the disease of melancholly in three parts : written for the use of such as are, or have been exercised by the same / by Timothy Rogers, M.A. who was long afflicted with both ; to which are annexed, some letters from several divines, relating to the same subject.
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3. A sermon preached on the 29th of May 1661 The day of His Majestie's birth, and happy restauration, after a long exile, to his crown and kingdome. Before His Excellency VVilliam Ld Marquis of Newcastle. at his house of Welbeck. By Clement Ellis M.A. houshold chaplain to his excellency.
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