1. To the right Hono[r]able my L[or]d Rooxeby one of his Ma[jes]ties Barrons & [---] of England the humble petition of Edward [---].
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2. In obedience to ye Hon[o]r[ab]l[e] com[m]ands for giving an acco[un]tt what I have paid into their Ma[jes]ties Excheq[ue]r of the tenths, rents, or penc[i]ons, due at Michaelmas 1690. And also to answer the questions w[hi]ch you were pleas'd to ask me, how, when, and for what did these tenths, rents, or penc[i]ons, become a part of the revenue of t
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3. [S]ermon [su]r ces paroles du chap. xxiii du livre des Nombres, v. 10 [qu]e je meure de la mort des droituriers, & que ma fin soit semblable a la fienne / prononçé le 21 jour de May, l'enterrement de feu Monsieur Michely [p]asteur de l'Eglise Françoise de Londres, par David Primerose, ministre du Saint Evangile dans la méme eglise.
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