1. The shippe of assured safetie wherein wee may sayle without danger towards the land of the liuing, promised to the true Israelites: conteyning in foure bokes, a discourse of Gods prouidence, a matier very agreable for this time, vvherof no commo[n]ly knovven especiall treatise hath bene published before in our mother tong. What great varietie of ve
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :
2. The shippe of assured safetie wherein wee may sayle without danger towards the land of the liuing, promised to the true Israelites: conteyning in foure bokes, a discourse of Gods prouidence, a matier very agreable for this time, vvherof no commo[n]ly knovven especiall treatise hath bene published before in our mother tong. What great varietie of very necessarie and fruitfull matier is comprysed i
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :