1. The liuing librarie, or Meditations and obseruations historical, natural, moral, political, and poetical. Written in Latin by P. Camerarius: and done into English by I. Molle, Esquire: with some additions by H. Molle, his sonne
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2. A paire of sermons successiuely preacht to a paire of peereles and succeeding princes The former as an ante-funerall to the late Prince Henry, anno Dom. 1612. October 25. The first day of his last and fatall sicknesse. The latter preacht this present yeere 1614. Ianuar. 16. to the now liuing Prince Charles, as a preseruer of his life, and life to h
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3. A true and admirable historie, of a mayden of Confolens, in the prouince of Poictiers that for the space of three yeeres and more hath liued, and yet doth, vvithout receiuing either meate or drinke. Of whom, his Maiestie in person hath had the view, and, (by his commaund) his best and chiefest phisitians, haue tryed all meanes, to find, whether this fast & abstinence be by deceit or no. In this h
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