1. A godlie exhortation to all suche as professe the Gospell, wherein they are by the swete promises thereof prouoked [and] styrred vp to folowe the same in liuing, and by the terrible threates, feared from the contrary. Anno Do. M. D. xlix. the fyrst day of Ianuary
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2. A discussion of the ansvvere of M. VVilliam Barlovv, D. of Diuinity, to the booke intituled: The iudgment of a Catholike Englishman liuing in banishment for his religion &c. Concerning the apology of the new Oath of allegiance. VVritten by the R. Father, F. Robert Persons of the Society of Iesus. VVhervnto since the said Fathers death, is annexed a
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3. The teares of loue: or, Cupids progresse Together vvith the complaint of the sorrowfull shepheardesse; fayre (but vnfortunate) Candida, deploring the death of her deare-lou'd Corauin, a late liuing (and an euer to be lamented) shepheard. In a (passionate) pastorall elegie. Composed by Thomas Collins.
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