1. A treatise of penance, with an explication of the rule, and maner of liuing, of the brethren and sisters, of the Third Order of S. Frauncis; commonly called, of the Order of Penance, ordayned for those which desire to liue holilie. and doe penance in their owne houses. / by F. W.S. Strict Obser. ; Whereunto is added, the epistle and annotations vpo
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2. Deaths duell, or, A consolation to the soule, against the dying life, and liuing death of the body Deliuered in a sermon at White Hall, before the Kings Maiesty, in the beginning of Lent, 1630. By that late learned and reuerend diuine, Iohn Donne, Dr. in Diuinity, & Deane of S. Pauls, London. Being his last sermon, and called by his Maiesties housh
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3. True and wonderfull A discourse relating to a strange and monstrous serpent (or dragon) lately discouered, and yet liuing, to the great annoyance and diuers slaughters both of men and cattell, by his strong and violent poyson, in Sussex two miles from Horsam, in a woode called S. Leonards Forrest, and thirtie miles from London, this present month o
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