1. The Quakers proved deceivers and such as people ought not to listen to, or follow, but to account accursed, in the management of a charge formerly given out against them to that effect, by J. Horne, preacher of the gospel at South-Lin in Norfolke. Which charge was managed and made good by him against George Whitehead, in the chancel of South-Lin, b
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2. The reviewer reviewed, or, Mr. Joseph Hacons mistakes in his late notes upon a catechisme composed by J. Horne, Minister of the Word of God at Lin-Alhallowes in Norfolk.|Mr. Joseph Hacons mistakes in his late notes upon a catechisme|Review of Mr Horn's catechisme
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3. A caveat to all true Christians against the spreadings of the spirit of Antichrist, and his subtile endeavours to draw men from Jesus Christ / propounded to them by J. Horn, one of the unworthiest of Christs servants in his gospel, a preacher thereof in South Lin, Norfolk ; together with some brief directions for their orderly walkings.
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