1. Norwood's system of navigation teaching the whole art in a way more familiar, easie, and practical, than hath hitherto been done : shewing, the projection of the plain scale, the sphere in plaino, astronomical problems useful in navigation, traverse tables, right lin'd triangles, geometrically, by tables of sines, tangents, logarithms, and by Gunte
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :
2. Norwood's system of navigation teaching the whole art, in a way more familiar, easie, and practical, than hath been hitherto done. Shewing, the projection of the plain scale: the sphere in plaino: astronomical problems useful in navigation: traverse tables: right lin'd triangles, geometrically, by tables of sines, tangents, logarithms, and by Gunte
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :
3. Norwood's system of navigation: teaching the whole art, in a way more familiar, easie, and practical, than hath been hitherto done. Shewing, the projection of the plain scale: the sphere in plaino: astronomical problems useful in navigation: traverse tables: right lin'd triangles ... The description and use of a new instrument called encyclologium, or the sliding cirlces: which, with ease, resolv
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :