1. Teaching & Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal
2167-4779; 2167-4787;
Education -- Education (General)
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2. A libell of Spanish lies found at the sacke of Cales, discoursing the fight in the West Indies, twixt the English nauie being fourteene ships and pinasses, and a fleete of twentie saile of the king of Spaines, and of the death of Sir Francis Drake. With an answere briefely confuting the Spanish lies, and a short relation of the fight according to t
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3. A vindication of truth, as held forth in a book, entituled, Love to the lost, from the lies, slanders and deceits of T. Higgenson, in a book, called, A testimony to thc [sic] true Iesus. But he is discovered to hold forth another Iesus then what the Scriptures hold forth, or the saints witness. / I.N.
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