1. The second part of An apostate-conscience exposed: being an answer to a scurrilous pamphlet, dated the 11th of April, 1699. Written and published, by F. Bugg, intituled, Jezabel withstood, and her daughter Ann Docwra reproved for her lies and lightness, in her book, stiled, An apostate conscience exposed, &c. / By Ann Docwra.
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2. The second part of An apostate-conscience exposed being an answer to a scurrilous pamphlet, dated the 11th of April, 1699. Written and published, by F. Bugg, intituled, Jezabel withstood, and her daughter Ann Docwra reproved for her lies and lightness, in her book, stiled, An apostate conscience exposed, &c. By Ann Docwra.
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