1. [Al]manacke and progno[stication] ... D. Lvi. faythefully collected, yea, mon structefully ... / by Leonard Dygges Gentleman ...
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :
2. A breef discour[s] wherin is declared, of y[e] trauailes an[d] miseries of this painful life, & that death is t[he] dissoluer of mans miserie. Gathered out of d[i]uers good writers, by Leonard Staueley. Wh[er]vnto is annexed the authors muse of this life, in English vearse and his prayse likewise of vertue, felicitie and true sentillitie
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3. Theses aliqvot logicae, ethicae, physicae, geometricae, sphaericae, metaphysicae, quas adolescentes ad lauream magist. in familia Leonard. Adspirantes in publica disputatione deo duce inscholis theologicis academiae Andreapolitanae propugnaturisunt die. Calendas Iulias, anno salut. human. 1610. Praeside D. Petro Brvsio.|Theses aliquot logicae, ethicae, physicae, geometricae, sphaericae, metaphysic
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