1. The disconsolate reformado; or The sad look'd Presbyterian Jack. Or a true relation of the suddaine change which hath happned in the City of London, since the 30th of July, till the 4th. of August. Between the renowned Sr. Thomas Fairfax's army, and Major Generall Massey's and Col. Poyn's reformadoes.
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :
2. The disconsolate reformado; or The sad look'd Presbyterian Jack. Or a true relation of the suddaine change which hath happned in the City of London, since the 30th of July, till the 4th. of August. Between the renowned Sr. Thomas Fairfax's army, and Major Generall Massey's and Col. Poyn's reformadoes.
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :