1. A new fox-hunting song, composed by W.S. Kenrick, and J. Burtell. ; The chace run by the Cleveland Fox Hounds on Saturday the 29th day of January, 1785.
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2. The hunting of the pox a pleasant discourse betweene the authour, and pild-garlicke : wherein is declared the nature of the dissease, how it came, and how it may bee cured / by J. T. Westminster.
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3. A vindication of the primitive Christians in point of obedience to their Prince against the calumnies of a book intituled, The life of Julian, written by Ecebolius the Sophist as also the doctrine of passive obedience cleared in defence of Dr. Hicks : together with an appendix : being a more full and distinct answer to Mr. Tho. Hunt's preface and postscript : unto all which is added The life of J
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