1. The treasuri of helth contaynynge many profytable medicines, gathered out of Hipocratz [sic], Gale[n] [and] Auicen by one Petrus Hyspanus [and] tra[n]slated into Englysh by Hu[m]fre Lloyd who hath added therunto ye causes [and] sygnes of euer[y] dysease, w[ith] the aphorismes of Hipocrates, and Iacobus de Partybus redacted to a certayne order accor
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :
2. The treasuri of helth contaynynge many profytable medicines, gathered out of Hipocratz [sic], Gale[n] [and] Auicen by one Petrus Hyspanus [and] tra[n]slated into Englysh by Hu[m]fre Lloyd who hath added therunto ye causes [and] sygnes of euer[y] dysease, w[ith] the aphorismes of Hipocrates, and Iacobus de Partybus redacted to a certayne order according to ye me[m]bres of mans bodys, and a compend
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :