1. Aphorismes of Christian religion: or, a verie compendious abridgement of M. I. Calvins Institutions set forth in short sentences methodically by M. I. Piscator: and now Englished according to the authors third and last edition, by H. Holland.
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2. Of the conversion of five thousand and nine hundred East-Indians, in the isle Formosa, neere China to the profession of the true God, in Jesus Christ : by meanes of M. Ro, Junius, a minister lately in Delph in Holland / related by ... M. C. Sibellius ... in a Latine letter ; translated ... by H. Jessei ... ; with a post-script of the Gospels good sucesse also amongst the VVest-Indians, in New Eng
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3. The great preparation made in Holland, for the King of Scots, going into Scotland. Also the D. of Buckingham, M. Hamilton, and the E. of Newcastle, to be sent embassadors into Germany, Sweden, and Denmark; with the large promises of Col. Massey, and Ald. Bunce, to the foresaid King. Together, with a great fight at sea, between the English and Frenc
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