1. Physicke, to cure the most dangerous disease [of] de[sper]ation Collected for the direction and comfort of such Christians as trauayling and beein[g] [h]eauy loaden in their consciences, with the [burt]hen of their sinnes, stand in danger either i[n t]ime of their sicknesse to fall away from their God, through deepe dispayre, or else in tim[e] of t
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2. A declaration of His Highnes, by the advice of his council shewing the reasons of their proceedings for securing the peace of the Commonwealth, upon occasion of the late insurrection and rebellion. Wednesday, October, 31. 1655. Ordered by his Highness and the Council, that this declaration be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Scobel, Clerk of t
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3. Patro-scholastiko-dikaiösis, or, A justification of the fathers and the schoolmen shewing that they are not self-condemned for denying the positivity of sin, being an answer to so much of Mr. Tho. Pierce's book called Autokatakrisis as doth relate to the foresaid opinion / by Hen. Hickman.|Autokatakrisis.|Examen historicum.|Patro scholastiko dikaiösis.|Justification of the fathers and t
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