1. A way propounded to make the poor in these and other nations happy by bringing together a fit, suitable and well-qualified people unto one household-government, or little commonwealth : wherein everyone may keep his propriety and be employed in some work or other, as he shall be fit for, without being oppressed / by Peter Cornelisson, van Zuerick-z
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2. A. Z! Quirin Kuhlman a Christian Jesuelit his Quinary of slingstones against the Goliah of all kindreds, people, and languages: to be placed before his writings, as an invincible love-apology for, and defence of them. For an eternal memory set down the same day which two years before, he departed from the Rose-lilly Bromley by Bow, near London, tow
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3. AEsops fabl'z in tru ort'ography with grammar-nóts He'r-vntoo ar al'so iooined the short sentenc'es of the wýz Cato im-printed with lýk form and order: bóth of which autorz ar transláted out-of Latin intoo E'nglish by William Bullokar.
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