1. Here foloweth the .X. co[m]maundeme[nts] in Englysshe, the Crede with the Pater noster, nat tra[n]slated by any [proper] person, but by the hole consent & auctorite of the bysshops of this realme [in] co[n]uocacion, euery true Christian to lerne [it as] he is bounde by Goddes co[m]maundeme[n]t & the Kynges grace iniunctions.|Ten Commandments|X. commaundements
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2. Sermons of M. Iohn Caluine, vpon the X. Commandementes of the Lawe geuen of God by [sic] Moses, otherwise called the Decalogue / gathered word for word, presently at his sermons, when he preached on Deuteronomie, without adding vnto, or diminishing from them anything afterward ; translated out of Frenche into English, by I.H.
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3. To all people that speakes of an outvvard baptisme; dippers, sprinklers, and others Also the errors answered, holden forth by Thomas Larkham, called by the world a minister, at VVe[x]ford he was then with a reproofe to the offenders; and also some queries to all people to be read within that yee may all know that, that which may bee knowne of God i
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