1. The London taylors misfortune, or, Cut-Beard-Harding chous'd by a country lass who he pickt up in the street, and invited to the tavern, where he intended to have left her in pawn for the reckoning, but he being soon drunk dropt asleep, at which opportunity she march'd off with a new suit of cloaths which he was carrying home to a gentleman : together with six-pence-half-penny-farthing, which is h
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2. The faithfull woings [sic] of two conntry [sic] lovers. The young-man he with carriage bold, did oft salute the maiden, and unto her these words he told, his heart with love was laden; and if to him her love she'd grant he'd do his best indeavour. To maintain her she should not want, and he'd forsake her never. Because he was poor the maid was coy, and would not have him entertain'd but at last h
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3. Sr. Kenelme Digbyes honour maintained. By a most couragious combat which he fought with the Lord Mount le Ros, who by base and slanderous words reviled our King. Also the true relation how he went to the King of France, who kindly intreated him and sent two hundred men to guard him so far as Flanders. And now he is returned from banishment and to h
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