1. The kind young man's answer to the faithful mai[d]. Wherein he shews his heart and mind is true, and he will never change his old love for a new: whilst breath doth last, constant he will remain, and he that wont do so is a rogue in grain. To a new tune, or the pinckt petty-coat. by J. Wade.
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2. Duke Dangerfield declaring how he represented the D. of Mon--- in the country with his miraculous gift of touching, making knights, and other pranks in Staffordshire : how he was brought to town, examin'd before the King and counsell, and committed to Newgate.
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3. The Melancholy comlaint of D. Otes of the black ingratitude of this present age towards him and the evil rewards he has receiv'd for his numberless services done for the nations
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