1. News from the dead, or, A true and exact narration of the miraculous deliverance of Anne Greene, who being executed at Oxford Decemb. 14. 1650 afterwards revived; and by the care of certain [p]hysicians there, is now perfectly recovered. : Together with the manner of her suffering, and the particular means used for her recovery. / Written by a schollar in Oxford for the satisfaction of a friend,
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2. The pleasant historie of Dorastus and Fawnia. VVherein is discovered, that although by the meanes of sinister fortune, truth may be concealed; yet by time, in spight of fortune, it is manifestly revealed. Pleasant for age to avoyd drowsie thoughts, profitable for youth to avoyd other wanton pastimes: and bringing too [sic] both a desired content. / By Robert Greene, Master of Arts in Cambridge.|P
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