1. Of the newe la[n]des and of ye people founde by the messengers of the kynge of porty[n]gale named Emanuel Of the. x. dyuers nacyons crystened. Of pope Iohn and his landes, and of the costely keyes and wonders molodyes that in that lande is.
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :
2. The treasuri of helth contaynynge many profytable medicines, gathered out of Hipocratz [sic], Gale[n] [and] Auicen by one Petrus Hyspanus [and] tra[n]slated into Englysh by Hu[m]fre Lloyd who hath added therunto ye causes [and] sygnes of euer[y] dysease, w[ith] the aphorismes of Hipocrates, and Iacobus de Partybus redacted to a certayne order accor
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :
3. The treasuri of helth contaynynge many profytable medicines, gathered out of Hipocratz [sic], Gale[n] [and] Auicen by one Petrus Hyspanus [and] tra[n]slated into Englysh by Hu[m]fre Lloyd who hath added therunto ye causes [and] sygnes of euer[y] dysease, w[ith] the aphorismes of Hipocrates, and Iacobus de Partybus redacted to a certayne order according to ye me[m]bres of mans bodys, and a compend
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :