1. Feriae sacrae octo libris comprehensae, in quibus, naturae, tabularum, & gratie leges exprimuntur. Authore Henrico Dethick Oxoniensi
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2. Ode natalitia, vel Opus eius feriae, quae S. Stephani protomartyris nomine celebrata est anno 1574 In memoriam P. Rami, optimi, et clarissimi virj.
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3. The continuation of the German history. The fifth part. Collected out of the truest intelligences, and digested into places and times of action, briefly brought downe, to the late treaty in Silesia, and the successe thereof. To the comming of the D. of Feria, and what hee hath effected since. To the taking of Ratisbon, or Regenspurg by D. Bernard W
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