1. W. E. B. du Bois: An American Intellectual and Activist
978-1-4422-0740-0; 978-1-4422-0741-7;
History: America -- United States
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :
2. Lines of Descent: W. E. B. du Bois and the Emergence of Identity
Education -- Theory and practice of education -- Systems of individual educators and writers
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :
3. The Scholar Denied: W. E. B. du Bois and the Birth of Modern Sociology
978-0-520-27635-2; 978-0-520-28676-4;
History: America -- United States -- Elements in the population
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :