1. A true copie of the remonstrance and petition, presented to the Honourable the House of Commons assembled in Parliament. By Sir David Watkins Knight, Mr. Shuite, and others, (the now principall designers and managers of the publique affaires of the citie) earnestly arguing for no accomodation. but a vigorous prosecution of the present warre. With a
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2. A true copie of the remonstrance and petition, presented to the Honourable the House of Commons assembled in Parliament by Sir David Watkins Knight, Mr. Shuite, and others, (the now principall designers and managers of the publique affairs of the citie) earnestly arguing for no accomodation, but a vigorous prosecution of the present warre ; with a petition of certaine other citizens of London, in
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :
3. A true copie of the remonstrance and petition presented to the honourable the House of Commons assembled in Parliament by Sir David Watkins Knight, Mr. Shute, and others, the now principall designers and managers of the publique affaires of the citie, earnestly arguing for no accomodation, but a vigorous prosecution of the present warre ; with a petition of certaine other citizens of London, inte
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