1. God and the Reach of Reason: C. S. Lewis, David Hume, and Bertrand Russell
978-0-521-88086-2; 978-0-521-70710-7;
Philosophy, Psychology, Religion -- Doctrinal Theology
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2. Davids song of three parts delivered in a sermon preached before the Right Honorable the House of Lords, at the Abby-church in Westminster upon the 15 day of June 1643 : being the day appointed for publike thanksgiving for Gods great deliverance of the Parliament, Citie and Kingdome from the late most mischievous conspiracy against all three / by C
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3. Theses philosophicae, quas Deo auspice, sub praesidio D. Iacobi Vemii, propugnabunt ad diem [blank] Julii, anno M. D. C. XVI. Adolescentes Magisterii candidati, è celeberrimo Lycaeo Leonardino in Academia Andreana, hoc anno emittendi. Guilielmus Crichtonus. Alexander Forbesius. Robertus Neutonus. Iohannes Forbesius. Iohannes Campbellus. David Martius. Iacobus Vemius Major
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