1. Strange and wonderful news from Borton, near the city of Canterbury in the county of Kent, or a sad and dreadful account of a barbarous and bloody murther, committed by one John Jones of Monmouth-shire, upon the person of a Jew (after many pretentions of friendship) with his own knife in a most inhumane manner, on the 2d of Jul·, 1686. with all the
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2. Strange and wonderful news from Borton near the city of Canterbury in the county of Kent, or a sad and dreadful account of a barbarous and bloody murther, committed by one John Jones of Monmouth-shire, upon the person of a Jew (after many pretentions of friendship) with his own knife in a most inhumane manner, on the 2d of Jul·, 1686. with all the
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3. Strange and wonderful news from Borton near the city of Canterbury in the county of Kent, or a sad and dreadful account of a barbarous and bloody murther, committed by one John Jones of Monmouth-shire, upon the person of a Jew (after many pretentions of friendship) with his own knife in a most inhumane manner, on the 2d of Jul·, 1686. with all the material circumstances that attended the wicked a
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