1. A true declaration of the intollerable wrongs done to Richard Boothby, merchant of India, by two lewd servants to the honorable East India Company, Richard Wylde and George Page as also a remonstrance of the partiall, ingratefull and unjust proceeds of the India Court at home against the said Richard Boothby ... with petition to ... King Charles an
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2. The humble desires of the knights, gentlemen, ministers, freeholders and inhabitants of the county and burrough of Leicester. Delivered to His Excellency, the Lord Generall Monck, at St Albans the thirtieth day of Ianuary, 1659. by George Fawnt Esquire, High Sheriffe of the said county, William Boothby, Richard Orton, and Richard Halford Esquires,
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3. The humble desires of the knights, gentlemen, ministers, freeholders and inhabitants of the county and burrough of Leicester Delivered to His Excellency, the Lord Generall Monck, at St Albans the thirtieth day of Ianuary, 1659. by George Fawnt Esquire, High Sheriffe of the said county, William Boothby, Richard Orton, and Richard Halford Esquires, e
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