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Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology [J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol] 2024 Oct; Vol. 34 (8), pp. 331-336. Date of Electronic Publication: 2024 Sep 05.
Roy S; School of Psychology, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom.; Centre for Innovation in Mental Health, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom.
Arturi L; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Wellbeing of Mental and Neurological, Dental and Sensory Organ Health, Policlinico Tor Vergata Hospital, Rome, Italy.
Parlatini V; School of Psychology, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom.; Centre for Innovation in Mental Health, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom.; Institute for Life Sciences, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom.; Institute of Translational Neurodevelopment, Department of Forensic and Neurodevelopmental Sciences, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London, London, United Kingdom.; Department of Forensic and Neurodevelopmental Sciences, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London, London, United Kingdom.; Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London, London, United Kingdom.; Solent NHS Trust, Southampton, United Kingdom.
Cortese S; School of Psychology, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom.; Centre for Innovation in Mental Health, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom.; Solent NHS Trust, Southampton, United Kingdom.; Clinical and Experimental Sciences (CNS and Psychiatry), Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom.; Hassenfeld Children's Hospital at NYU Langone, New York University Child Study Center, New York, NY, USA.; DiMePRe-J-Department of Precision and Regenerative Medicine-Jonic Area, University of Bari 'Aldo Moro', Bari, Italy.
DB Label
Database : MEDLINE


American journal of medical genetics. Part A [Am J Med Genet A] 2024 Jun; Vol. 194 (6), pp. e63553. Date of Electronic Publication: 2024 Feb 06.
Siracusano M; Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy.; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Wellbeing of Mental and Neurological, Dental and Sensory Organ Health, Policlinico Tor Vergata Hospital, Rome, Italy.
Dante C; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Wellbeing of Mental and Neurological, Dental and Sensory Organ Health, Policlinico Tor Vergata Hospital, Rome, Italy.
Sarnataro R; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Wellbeing of Mental and Neurological, Dental and Sensory Organ Health, Policlinico Tor Vergata Hospital, Rome, Italy.
Arturi L; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Wellbeing of Mental and Neurological, Dental and Sensory Organ Health, Policlinico Tor Vergata Hospital, Rome, Italy.
Riccioni A; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Wellbeing of Mental and Neurological, Dental and Sensory Organ Health, Policlinico Tor Vergata Hospital, Rome, Italy.
Carloni E; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Wellbeing of Mental and Neurological, Dental and Sensory Organ Health, Policlinico Tor Vergata Hospital, Rome, Italy.
Cicala M; Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy.
Gialloreti LE; Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy.
Galasso C; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Wellbeing of Mental and Neurological, Dental and Sensory Organ Health, Policlinico Tor Vergata Hospital, Rome, Italy.; Systems Medicine Department, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy.
Conteduca G; Biotherapy Unit, IRCCS San Martino, Genoa, Italy.
Coviello D; Laboratory of Human Genetics, IRCCS Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Genoa, Italy.
Mazzone L; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Wellbeing of Mental and Neurological, Dental and Sensory Organ Health, Policlinico Tor Vergata Hospital, Rome, Italy.; Systems Medicine Department, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy.
DB Label
Database : MEDLINE


Research in developmental disabilities [Res Dev Disabil] 2024 Feb; Vol. 145, pp. 104655. Date of Electronic Publication: 2023 Dec 26.
Riccioni A; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Neurosciences, Policlinico Tor Vergata Foundation Hospital, Viale Oxford 81, 00133 Rome, Italy. Electronic address: assiariccioni@gmail.com.
Siracusano M; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Neurosciences, Policlinico Tor Vergata Foundation Hospital, Viale Oxford 81, 00133 Rome, Italy; Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Via Montpellier 1, 00133 Rome, Italy.
Arturi L; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Neurosciences, Policlinico Tor Vergata Foundation Hospital, Viale Oxford 81, 00133 Rome, Italy; Systems Medicine Department, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Montpellier Street 1, 00133 Rome, Italy.
Scoppola C; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Neurosciences, Policlinico Tor Vergata Foundation Hospital, Viale Oxford 81, 00133 Rome, Italy; Systems Medicine Department, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Montpellier Street 1, 00133 Rome, Italy.
Ferrara M; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Neurosciences, Policlinico Tor Vergata Foundation Hospital, Viale Oxford 81, 00133 Rome, Italy; Systems Medicine Department, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Montpellier Street 1, 00133 Rome, Italy.
Frattale I; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Neurosciences, Policlinico Tor Vergata Foundation Hospital, Viale Oxford 81, 00133 Rome, Italy; Systems Medicine Department, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Montpellier Street 1, 00133 Rome, Italy.
Galasso C; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Neurosciences, Policlinico Tor Vergata Foundation Hospital, Viale Oxford 81, 00133 Rome, Italy; Systems Medicine Department, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Montpellier Street 1, 00133 Rome, Italy.
Gialloreti LE; Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Via Montpellier 1, 00133 Rome, Italy.
Mazzone L; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Neurosciences, Policlinico Tor Vergata Foundation Hospital, Viale Oxford 81, 00133 Rome, Italy; Systems Medicine Department, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Montpellier Street 1, 00133 Rome, Italy.
DB Label
Database : MEDLINE


Cell host & microbe [Cell Host Microbe] 2024 Jan 10; Vol. 32 (1), pp. 106-116.e6. Date of Electronic Publication: 2023 Dec 18.
Mazzone L; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Neurosciences, Policlinico Tor Vergata Foundation Hospital, Viale Oxford 81, 00133 Rome, Italy; Systems Medicine Department, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Montpellier Street 1, 00133 Rome, Italy. Electronic address: luigi.mazzone@ptvonline.it.
Dooling SW; Department of Neuroscience, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA; Memory and Brain Research Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA; Department of Molecular & Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030, USA; Altos Labs, Inc, Bay Area Institute of Science, Redwood City, CA 94065, USA.
Volpe E; Molecular Neuroimmunology Unit, Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (IRCCS) Fondazione Santa Lucia, Rome, Italy.
Uljarević M; Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences, University of Melbourne, Tin Alley, Carlton, Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia.
Waters JL; Altos Labs, Inc, Bay Area Institute of Science, Redwood City, CA 94065, USA.
Sabatini A; Molecular Neuroimmunology Unit, Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (IRCCS) Fondazione Santa Lucia, Rome, Italy.
Arturi L; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Neurosciences, Policlinico Tor Vergata Foundation Hospital, Viale Oxford 81, 00133 Rome, Italy; Systems Medicine Department, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Montpellier Street 1, 00133 Rome, Italy.
Abate R; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Neurosciences, Policlinico Tor Vergata Foundation Hospital, Viale Oxford 81, 00133 Rome, Italy.
Riccioni A; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Neurosciences, Policlinico Tor Vergata Foundation Hospital, Viale Oxford 81, 00133 Rome, Italy; Systems Medicine Department, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Montpellier Street 1, 00133 Rome, Italy.
Siracusano M; Child Neurology and Psychiatry Unit, Department of Neurosciences, Policlinico Tor Vergata Foundation Hospital, Viale Oxford 81, 00133 Rome, Italy; Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Montpellier Street 1, 00133 Rome, Italy.
Pereira M; Centre for Translational Microbiome Research, Department of Microbiology, Tumour and Cell Biology, Science for Life Laboratory, Karolinska Institutet, Solna, Sweden.
Engstrand L; Centre for Translational Microbiome Research, Department of Microbiology, Tumour and Cell Biology, Science for Life Laboratory, Karolinska Institutet, Solna, Sweden.
Cristofori F; Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology Unit, Department of Interdisciplinary Medicine, Children's Hospital-Giovanni XXIII, University of Bari Aldo Moro, 70121 Bari, Italy.
Adduce D; Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology Unit, Department of Interdisciplinary Medicine, Children's Hospital-Giovanni XXIII, University of Bari Aldo Moro, 70121 Bari, Italy.
Francavilla R; Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology Unit, Department of Interdisciplinary Medicine, Children's Hospital-Giovanni XXIII, University of Bari Aldo Moro, 70121 Bari, Italy.
Costa-Mattioli M; Department of Neuroscience, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA; Memory and Brain Research Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA; Department of Molecular & Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030, USA; Altos Labs, Inc, Bay Area Institute of Science, Redwood City, CA 94065, USA. Electronic address: mcostamattioli@altoslabs.com.
Hardan AY; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. Electronic address: hardanay@stanford.edu.
DB Label
Database : MEDLINE


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