1. A reply to Fulke, In defense of M. D. Allens scroll of articles, and booke of purgatorie. By Richard Bristo Doctor of Diuinitie ... perused and allowed by me Th. Stapleton
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2. Upon the much-lamented death of the worshipful John Allen, Esq. that most learned and eminent lawyer and counsellour of Grays-Inn, who dyed of a fever on Friday, June 26 M. DC. LXIII. : an elegy to his most dear and sorrowful brother, Giles Allen Dr. of Divinity, his only executor / by W.G.
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3. A treatise made in defence of the lauful power and authoritie of priesthod to remitte sinnes of the peoples duetie for confession of their sinnes to Gods ministers: and of the Churches meaning concerning indulgences, commonlie called the Popes pardo[n]s. By William Allen M. of Arte, and student in diuinitie.
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