1. Articles of peace concluded and agreed between his excellency Lord Bellasyse his majesties governor of his city and garison of Tangier in Affrica, and cidi Hamet Hader Ben Ali Gayland, prince of West-Barbary
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2. Articles of peace concluded and agreed between His Excellency the Lord Bellasyse, His Majesties governour of his city and garrison of Tangier in Affrica, &c. and Cidi Hamlet Hader Ben Ali Gayland, Prince of VVest-Barbary, &c. the second of April, 1666
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3. Articles of peace concluded and agreed between His Excellency the Lord Bellasyse, His Majesties governour of his city and garrison of Tangier in Affrica, &c. and Cidi Hamlet Hader Ben Ali Gayland, Prince of VVest-Barbary, &c. the second of April, 1666
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